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Kokusai Electric Corporation
Oak Kanda Kaji-Chou 5F,3-4
Kandakaji-Cho, Ciyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-0045 JAPAN


Using world-class thin film technology to produce high-quality semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The most important phase of making semiconductors is thin film formation by deposition and thermal processing.

At KOKUSAI ELECTRIC we produce semiconductor manufacturing equipment that leverages those world-class thin film formation technologies such as 10nm microfabrication technology close to the physical limit, delivering to the world's top semiconductor manufacturers.

KOKUSAI's leading technologies enable the increasing high functionality and high performance of semiconductors.

KOKUSAI 200mm Batch Thermal Process System

KOKUSAI Process Applications for 200mm Wafer

KOKUSAI Process Splutions for 200mm Wafer Advansced Process

KOKUSAI Process Splutions for 200mm Wafer Conventional Process